
Grace-filled Gardens are the premise of where I blossom. It is here that I cultivate and produce flowers. These flowers are not limited to the ones in the ground all around me. There are other flowers that grow in these fertile grounds. Flowers of being a wife, mom of 5, home keeper, homesteader, homeschool teacher, and where I use my hands to create beauty and life on whatever I touch.

However, we know that in certain seasons blooms begin to die back. This happens in our natural lives as well. I have journeyed through the grief of miscarriage 2 times. What a gloomy time it was, and my gardens didn’t look so well. However, with his grace, I was able to pick up the pieces and continue to trust him with my life and all in it and not in it.

When we moved from 0.03 acres to 6.22 acres, I knew the first thing I wanted to do was start a garden and grow all I could. That is exactly what I did. Then, I begin forming what I call my Angel Garden! A dedication to the precious ones I lost. Things are not what I want but I can’t wait to bring you along as I work on transforming my space into my personal botanical gardens!!